![Annunciation [2024] oil painting by Olga Bakhtina](https://olgabakhtina.com/wp-content/uploads/Annunciation-2024-1-scaled.jpeg)
Having a strong interest in history of art and theology, for the last few years I have been working on a series of paintings on Christianity, in which I express my views and reflections. The first painting from this series ,“Risen Christ”, grew out during a grieving time in the family. It was more than a painting; it was also a meditation. A healing process.
I still work on this series and find it a special experience. It’s difficult to describe, but this is possibly how icon painters felt throughout history. I admire and find lots of inspiration in ancient Christianity art – especially Byzantine icons and early European frescoes, with their simplified forms and clear colours.
For me, Christianity and the Bible, with its intricate values and magnificent beauty, is an endless source of inspiration.
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My Christianity Work
![Annunciation [2024] oil painting by Olga Bakhtina](https://olgabakhtina.com/wp-content/uploads/Annunciation-2024-1-scaled.jpeg)

Noah and the Dove

Three Marys (Resurrection)

Kiss of Judas

Wedding in Cana II


Baptism of Christ

Risen Christ

St Michael The Archangel

Adoration of the Magi and Angels

St George and the Dragon

Blue Concert

Flight into Egypt

Adoration of the Magi

Mother and Child with the Guarding Angels

Holy Family with three Angels

Good Samaritan with the Cross

Christ in Olive Garden with three Angels / Gethsemane

Mother and Child with a Lily

Madonna and Child /Blue Concert

St Veronica’s Veil

St Scholastica with the Cross

St Benedict and St Scholastica

Madonna and Blessing Child


Madonna and Child (Mary and Child)

St Mary in Prayer

St Scholastica

Good Samaritan with a Lily

Madonna and Child (detail from Adoration of the Angels)

Adoration of the Angels

Blue Blessing

Jesus on the Cross


Madonna and child crossing the sea

Adam and Eve

Eve picking apples

Jesus and Peter fishing

Madonna and child

Head of Christ (Veronica’s veil)-1

St Basil Cathedral, Moscow

Wedding in Cana /Turning water into wine

Head of Christ (Veronica’s veil) -2

Blue Prayer


The Last Supper

Jesus Carrying The Cross

Good Samaritan